About Apra

Content Development Committee (CDC)

Charge and responsibilities:
The role of the Content Development Committee (CDC) is to plan, develop, and deliver content that aligns with Apra’s strategic plan and supports Apra’s mission of serving professionals who strategically harness information and data to drive fundraising success for philanthropic institutions. CDC is the content creation hub for all of Apra’s content channels including Connections, webinars, podcast, bytes, etc. CDC works in close partnership with other educational committees and implements content strategies recommended by the Education and Professional Development Committee (EPD).

Committee accomplishments and activities:
CDC will drive the development of an integrated content pipeline across Apra’s content sphere, recruiting content that is consistently relevant to prospect development professionals. Content will center on both evergreen knowledge domains critical to prospect development professionals, as well as innovative industry trends and issues. Additionally, the committee will ensure that Apra’s content remains high quality, engages diverse perspectives, and is responsive to member needs. 

Term of service and time commitment: 
CDC members serve one-year effective September 1 through August 31. The committee consists of approximately 10 members and one chair. CDC convenes via Zoom for one hour monthly, with roughly one hour of volunteer work beyond the committee meeting to move projects forward or create or review content. The CDC chair also participates in quarterly EPD meetings and meetings as needed to align with other committee chairs.