About Apra

Ethics & Compliance Committee

Charge and responsibilities:
The Ethics and Compliance committee is charged with tracking ethics, compliance, and privacy issues that affect the work of prospect development professionals and philanthropic organizations as a whole.

The Ethics and Compliance committee is responsible for producing toolkits and guides, holding webinars and giving presentations, and providing real-time guidance on ethics and compliance issues related to fundraising.

Learn more about the Apra Statement of Ethics

If you want to ask the Ethics and Compliance Committee (ECC) a question regarding ethics anonymously, please send them to ethics@aprahome.org.

One of Apra's primary organizational initiatives is to define and advocate the highest standards of performance and ethical behavior by those engaged in the profession. Apra's Ethics and Professional Standards resources provide official Apra-approved statements and guidelines for meeting these standards. 

Committee accomplishments and activities:
The Ethics and Compliance committee’s accomplishments include production of the Apra Statement of Ethics, Ethics Toolkit, Due Diligence Toolkit, DEI Data Guide, Vendor Due Diligence Toolkit, and the Ask the Ethicist column in Connections.  You can find the majority of this content located here.

The committee typically holds at least one ethics and compliance session at PD, as well.

Activity highlights for this year include finalizing a Data Minimization Guide, building out a two-click destination for the Apra Ethics Hub on the Apra website and working to drive additional traffic to the site, collaborating with the Fundamentals committee to identify content for a new module on ethics, compliance, and DEIBJA, and collaborating with the Advocacy committee to identify content that could be used for an “excellence in organizational ethics” program/offering.

Term of Service and time commitment:
Committee members serve for one year, effective September 1 through August 31. The committee typically meets once monthly via Zoom. At times, subcommittees will meet to tackle short-term or focal projects. Committee members usually spend 2-4 hours/month on committee activities.