

  • If was subscribed to the old PRSPCT-L, how do I login now?

    Your login will need to be reset. Please click login in the top right corner of the site and utilize the Forgot Password link.

    Forgot Password

    Forgot Password

    Submit the email you had subscribed with and click ok. The system will send you an email with a a link to set your password. This email should be received within minutes. If you are not receiving this email, please check your spam folder. If you still have not received it, please contact

    Forgot Password

  • How do I subscribe to a discussion?

    From the home screen, navigate to the discussion topic of your choice by clicking on all groups. If you are not subscribed, you will see a join button on the right side of the group tile.

    PRSPCT-L Subscribe Envelope

    The default subscription is a daily digest email. To update your subscription, click into the group and click on the ellipses and select Manage My Notifications.

    PRSPCT-L Subscribe Envelope

  • PRSPCT-L is sending me a digest email, but I want to receive emails right away.

    This is an option you can change. The default subscription is a daily digest email. To update your subscription, click into the group and click on the ellipses and select Manage My Notifications.

    PRSPCT-L Subscribe Envelope

    Select the realtime option from the menu.

    PRSPCT-L Subscribe Envelope

  • How do I unsubscribe from a forum?

    When you are logged in to the site, you will see which groups you belong to under the Groups Section. Click into the group you want to leave and then click the ellipses and select to leave the group.

    PRSPCT-L Unsubscribe

  • How do I post to a discussion?

    If you are on the homepage you can click to add a post at the top of the feed.

    PRSPCT-L Add a Thread

    Fill out the post form. From here you will have to select which community you are posting in. If you are already in the correct group, you don’t have to select the community.

    PRSPCT-L Add a Thread

  • How do I post a file?

    You can post your file the same way you create a post. You can click the paperclip icon to attach a file.

    If you are on the homepage, you can click to add a post at the top of the feed.

    Quick File Post

    Fill out the post form. From here you will have to select which community you are posting in. If you are already in the correct group, you don’t have to select the community.

    Quick File Post

    Please contact if you have any questions.

  • How do I find other PRSPCT-L users and message them?

    To find other users, you should navigate to the home screen and click on PRSPCT-L Users in the left navigation.

    View PRSPCT-L Users

    Once on the list you can either search for a specific individual by name or email or scroll the list. When you find the person you want to message, click on the message icon.

    Search and Message Users

    You will be taken to the chat with the poster where you can type into the chat box at the bottom of the screen. Click the blue arrow to send.

    Send Chat

  • How do I respond only to the original poster if I don’t want my response to go to the whole group?

    To respond only to the poster you should navigate to the post either from the notification email or on the platform. Then click the poster’s name.

    View Original Poster

    That will take you to their profile where you are able to message them directly by clicking on the conversation icon.

    Message Original Poster

    You will be taken to the chat with the poster where you can type into the chat box at the bottom of the screen. Click the blue arrow to send.

    Send Chat

  • What are tags and how do I use them?

    Tags are a list of topical areas that you can use to further categorize posts. As a user, you can select and follow tags you are interested in so if someone else creates a post with that tag you will see it no matter to which group it is posted (assuming it is not a private group).

    To view the list of tags, navigate to Tags on the left navigation.


    From there you can view posts made to the tag by clicking on the tag name and click the Follow button to follow that tag.

    View Tag and Follow

    To use tags when you are posting, select the desired tag(s) from the menu at the bottom of your post.

    Post Using Tag(s)

  • Are there any conduct rules for PRSPCT-L?

    Apra welcomes and encourages participation in discussions within PRSPCT-L, however, Apra reserves the right to remove inappropriate or offensive posts, along with those that may violate client privilege or inappropriately promote products or services. We ask you to use the following guidelines.